Category: Video

  • Book Review: The Art of Explanation

    I recently finished reading the book The Art of Explanation by Lee LeFever. Lee is famous his “paper cutouts on a whiteboard” explanation videos. The first one I encountered was called RSS in Plain English, showing how this new technology helps you save time reading items on the web. His straightforward explanation has helped…

  • What NOT To Wear On Video

    Dear Pastor ________________ , I have a few guidelines of what NOT to wear when you know you are going to be on camera. These guidelines are not intended to crush your style or creativity. We want to partner with you to help eliminate unnecessary distractions and we want you to look your best on camera…

  • Inspired and Convicted

    Yesterday I had a chance to spend the day at the NAB Show (National Association of Broadcasters) in Las Vegas. It’s a big tech/hardware show for video/photography, etc. At the Canon booth, they had a 15 minute behind-the-scenes short film, featuring 3 different story tellers, talking about their equipment, philosophy of shooting, etc.…

  • Making Square Videos For Instagram

    A few months ago in my post Seven Alternatives to Posting Photos on Instagram, I mentioned using a 15 second video trailer. While I had shot and edited Instagram videos on my iPhone, I had not actually made a video using off camera editing. Easter is always a good time to try…

  • 5 Shortcuts To Making Faster Ministry Videos

    We are all under the gun. My department doesn’t have a video team (the only camera the church owns is a $50 Flip camera I bought on Woot! after they were discontinued) but I’m still responsible to make and edit videos. I recently went on a weekend loft-house build to…

  • Video Editing in the Cloud

    Still think you need an expensive monster computer with lots of memory, expensive graphics cards and outrageously priced software in order to edit HD Video? Think again…then head on over to You are about to see the future of video editing. It’s in the cloud. “WeVideo makes video creation accessible to…

  • WebVideo University

    I have found that WebVideo University has been a fantastic resource for learning tips and tricks of the video trade. “Dave Kaminski is a professional copywriter, videographer, photographer and 10-year veteran of direct response marketing whose work in multimedia advertising has resulted in millions of dollars worth of sales. A former U.S.…

  • Viral Video…What This One Did Right

    According to Wikipedia, A viral video is a video “that becomes popular through the process of Internet sharing, typically through video sharing websites, social media and email.” Sonia Simone co-founder and CMO of Copyblogger Media, has a great post, breaking down an effective video that went viral. Here is the video she reviewed. (You may want to…

  • YouTube Playlists

    Once a year, our church puts on an event called “Servant Celebration” in appreciation for all those that volunteer in the ministries of Trinity Church. This year our theme was based on the “Hobbit” and placed in Middle Earth. I played the part of the Story Teller, interacting with my…

  • Animoto – Making Awesome Easy

    If you’ve ever tried to make a video slideshow using PowerPoint, you need Animoto. I can’t tell you how many times this service has come in handy. Animoto creates motion videos out of your still photos and video clips…but really simply and very fast. It’s a cloud based service that…